The Beauty of Deep Roots

A few years ago my family and I went to see a Cirque Du Soleil production in which a very small woman, perched inside what looked to be a large beach ball, was literally tossed back and forth around the audience! I’ll never forget how she giggled with delight each time an audience member would tap her floating sphere and she’d bounce off in a new direction. It looked so fun– so free and easy. As one who regularly carried multiple responsibilities on my shoulders, I remember wondering what that would feel like: to experience floating through life. I know that it was only a performance, but I’m quite visual and the image stuck with me. Imagine the adventure of being totally untethered! And then my season of the great “in between” began…

Transitions can be pretty challenging anyway, but for this Girl who is a checker of lists and a planner of schedules, disconnecting from one kind of life while not yet fully connecting to the next has been alternatively confusing, lonely, humbling, and scary. After the year we all just went through when everything we knew turned upside down, maybe you can relate? The thing is, as much as I have always admired those people who seem free-spirited and capable of changing course on a whim, at my core I value stability. I want to know that I’ve placed my trust in something that is actually trustworthy! Thankfully I can report there is a True North, and if you feel like you’ve been tossed around this year, all you have to do is ask and He’ll be there for you too!

Our Heavenly Father is Good and Faithful and Compassionate. I’m not saying that my lengthy desert transition has always been comfortable; I can tell you right now there have been more than a few occasions when I’ve wondered, “What am I supposed to do next?” However, I’ve never questioned who I am (or Whose I am.) I’ve never doubted that my life has purpose and meaning. And though I have occasionally felt unsettled as one with no landing gear, I’ve always known that I am rooted, deeply rooted in my faith.

Friends, if I can encourage you, the more that things seem to drift and shift in these turbulent times, the more we NEED God’s Word in our lives, and the more we need to connect with God’s people. Are you someone who’s thought, you’ll make time for study some day? Are you someone who thinks the Bible is too hard to understand or too boring to read? Why not make today the day that you ask the Holy Spirit to change your mind and open your heart in a fresh way? Let today be the day you give yourself the gift of growing deeper roots! If you need some ideas or suggestions about getting started, feel free to reply in the comments below. I’ll be praying for you!

With Love,

About caratoday

Thank you for joining me at Spark. Twinkle. Shine! I am really excited about learning and growing and sharing the journey here... Hope you come back often! If I can encourage you with one thought today... Your life has a very special, God-given purpose-- Don't be afraid to let YOUR light shine :-)
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4 Responses to The Beauty of Deep Roots

  1. Betty says:

    Cara a great message and very timely!

  2. fiveof9 says:

    Cara! Your story and your words of encouragement always flow so nicely. I love how you so eloquently invite people to ask God to help them know Him. So beautifully written. Miss you my friend! Much love always and forever!

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