The Conversation- Part 4

Tell them I Love Them.  I remember what it was like before I knew the Father’s love for me.  I understand why this is the most urgent message I can share with you; it’s the key to peace and joy, the antidote to fear, and the way-maker for exercising your spiritual gifts.  It doesn’t surprise me a bit that Abba started with this reminder in His recent Conversation with me.

One thing that might surprise You, however, is how BIG this message really is… I know in my last post I talked about my early, ongoing fervent request. I spent days,weeks, months, years praying that I would become a woman after God’s own heart.  I wanted to understand Love and how He loves others.  Be careful what you ask for; I had NO IDEA where this request would take me.

This is not the patting-you-on-the-head-and-sending-you-off-to-your-room kind of love, it’s not about giving to you according to what you give to Him, it’s not silly, superficial, sexual, or sweet.  It is life-changing, passionate, emotional, and extremely personal. I have been overwhelmed by its depths, and buoyed to dizzying heights by its sheer force.  Do you know the Father’s absolute DELIGHT in You? He longs for you to notice the ways He showers you with “kisses” throughout your day.  Have you suddenly reconnected with a dear friend?  Received an unexpected financial gain?  Unbelievably been spared from harm or rescued from unmistakable disaster?  There are no coincidences– this is your Heavenly Father providing for, protecting, and LOVING you faithfully.

There is another side to this all encompassing Love that I never expected; Jesus continues to WEEP over broken humanity.  On a few unforgettable occasions over the last several years, I have been invited to share in the burden of grief (mercy gifting).  We’re talking heart-breaking, crying-my-eyes-out, headache producing sobbing for WEEKS, usually over perfect strangers– His children who have suffered enormously, and/or caused enormous destruction to others.  I remember when it occurred to me that maybe the reason human kind was not allowed to see God’s face wasn’t because of His almighty, blinding power, but because seeing His broken heart over what we’ve done to His beautiful creation would kill us.  This is the Father’s heart.  This is the One who waits for us at the well when we–trying to control our lives– grasp for anything that sounds good and we make a mess of it.

Have you received the fullness and intimacy of God’s LOVE designed for You?

The last few weeks have been terribly hard and sad and full of confusion.  So many desperate souls in attempt to feel like they have some control over their lives- emptying the stores of hand-sanitizer, bleach, and toilet paper, of all things!  But with His Love, there is Peace right in the midst of all the crazy.  Now hear me on this one, while it is important to be informed on the latest health practices and recommendations, that doesn’t mean you need to fill your minds with fear for hours on end.  Turn off the media. Don’t allow well-meaning friends and neighbors to vomit their theories all over you.  (Really people, if everybody stopped blame shifting and inducing panic, and instead started pointing to the wonderful acts of heroism and kindness we are seeing in the world right now, we would come through this crisis in a much healthier way.)

I am so grateful for Abba’s faithful counsel who at the very beginning of the year had me camp on Proverbs 31:25.  She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs with no fear of the future.  Today I practice precaution, not paranoia.  I am alert, but not anxious.  I am calm and trusting and joyful, because I am LOVED to the core of my being.

And Your Heavenly Father Loves You Too!


About caratoday

Thank you for joining me at Spark. Twinkle. Shine! I am really excited about learning and growing and sharing the journey here... Hope you come back often! If I can encourage you with one thought today... Your life has a very special, God-given purpose-- Don't be afraid to let YOUR light shine :-)
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1 Response to The Conversation- Part 4

  1. fiveof9 says:

    Amen! Cara, I am at peace in these tumultuous time knowing He is in control and I am marveling at how so far I am able to cling to the truth of that. My hope is that I stand firm in His Word and am able to encourage others so they also come to know the peace that transcends all understanding. Thank you for these wonderful stories from your heart. I miss you!

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