The Conversation- Part 1

“Tell them I love them.”  Over the years since I’ve been invited to speak, I’ve always asked Abba what He wanted to say through my talk(s).  While each speaking engagement has taken its own unique form and I’ve been led to share different examples for a particular emphasis, there has ALWAYS been this same underlying theme:  “Tell them I love them.”  Now, here in a world of fear and isolation, where no speaking engagements (or even small group, in-person meetings) are on the horizon, this is exactly what I heard again this week! Tell Them I Love Them. 

Friends, whether you have been reading my blog for awhile, or whether you just stumbled onto this, please know that I don’t consider myself to be an expert, and I’m not putting this out there for any kind of personal gain.  (In fact if you did just stumble onto this, you might not ever find it again unless you “Follow”– that’s how big my readership is and how much I know about social media and sharing 😉 )  My hope here is simply to offer some encouragement in the dark days ahead…  Oh and by the way, in the same way I always prayed before speaking, I pray before publishing.  Above all else may you hear the voice of the One who LOVES you unconditionally and who wants to give you a life that is rich and full– a life of joy and peace, filled with goodness and favor– more than you expect or can imagine!

With all this in mind, I’m going to unpack our conversation.  It will undoubtedly take several posts to complete (This message is actually new revelation on many older building block lessons).  I can only promise to do my best to be faithful to Abba’s instruction.  If this is meaningful or helpful to you, feel free to share with others in your world– and I’d love to hear from you too!

And so we begin:

Do you know how much the Father LOVES you?  Yes- You!! Have you really, fully received Him, or are you holding something back?  There is no time like the present to get real.  Maybe you have some old shame dragging you down, thoughts that you aren’t worthy or that He couldn’t possible forgive that thing you did.  News flash– it’s already been forgiven!  Jesus is just waiting for you to approach Him.  If, like the Samaritan woman, you decide to keep walking toward the well, if you don’t turn and run, He will even gently open the conversation with YOU!

Maybe on the other hand, you haven’t fully received His love because you’re afraid if you do, you will no longer be in control of your life.  News flash– no matter how much toilet paper you stockpile you aren’t in control of your life!  Friends, don’t let pride or the independent spirit blind you to what this LOVE relationship really means!!

God’s LOVE is at the center of Everything.  While I will unpack these more later, know this: It is only by fully receiving His Love that you will be able to appropriate His joy, peace, and freedom.  It’s only by accepting Jesus’ love for you personally that you can experience the awe and beauty found in His presence. By soaking in His Love you will be able to operate fully in His gifts, and actually love the people in your world who can be very difficult to like. Most importantly, His perfect love casts out fear!!

That’s all for now–

And don’t forget, Abba LOVES you!!

About caratoday

Thank you for joining me at Spark. Twinkle. Shine! I am really excited about learning and growing and sharing the journey here... Hope you come back often! If I can encourage you with one thought today... Your life has a very special, God-given purpose-- Don't be afraid to let YOUR light shine :-)
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2 Responses to The Conversation- Part 1

  1. fiveof9 says:

    So true! A personal relationship with Christ is peaceful. You and I both know it takes time to grow our relationship with Him. Reading His Word and meditating/praying, having the conversation with God is so revealing to our soul. And when we connect to Him with our heart and soul, it truly is hard to express in words to others. That is why each has their own awe when they experience Holy Spirit. I love reading your posts. Woke up this morning and that is the second on my list: to read all your posts I haven’t taken the time to read. I love what you write! And I love you too! 🙂
    Miss you my dear friend! XO

    • caratoday says:

      Ah, Susan, Thank you beautiful Friend!! It encourages me to know that my writing can bring comfort and loving reminders of the AMAZING faithful, glorious God we serve.
      I love and miss you too 🙂 Take good care of yourself!

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