A World Desperate for True Hope

Have any of you noticed a common theme running through a number of the opening episodes of the new line-up of fall television shows?  Apparently Hollywood has started to notice that the world at large is getting meaner and more dangerous.  Maybe,  just perhaps, last season’s media shaming and TV dramas designed to  call conservative America “stupid” has backfired into greater unrest and division , Hmm? I’ll just bet Hollywood will “save the day” with a more balanced approach to story-telling, Right? 😉   

Bullying no longer is confined to the playground.  We are at war within our borders, and within ourselves. And whether you protest, or actively turn away from watching the news, you can’t deny the increasing alarm from all sides that we are literally ripping our country apart. The world needs HOPE!  And No, merely reflecting on how sad things are without kindness (NCIS), or postulating that legislation and democracy is the answer (Madam Secretary), are going to change this volatile climate. Peace doesn’t come from humanity; too many are willing to set their God given nature aside to be inhumane instead. True peace can only be found in LOVE!!

ISN’T IT TIME, CHURCH TO REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE??  Is Jesus still the main thing, or are you wrapped up in the things the world values– prestige, money, judging what’s “right”?  Do you look at all your brothers and sisters with unconditional love, or do some belong to the family a little more than others?  Remember: God chose the Jews to share Himself with the rest of the world.  Instead the Jews withheld the Book for themselves.  After Christ’s ascension, Believers were given the deposit of the Holy Spirit to share God with the world, but when we withhold love from people who have different beliefs or lifestyles, aren’t we doing the same thing??!!

Last week it was my absolute joy and privilege to attend the Open Heavens Conference at Bethel Church in Redding CA; the presence of the Holy Spirit was absolutely palpable!!  Now, before you rush in to add your praises or criticisms about this particular hosting church, the Bethel organization isn’t my point, although they did an outstanding job with organizing everything that had to go into planning this event.  (Redding isn’t a very big or populated place.  In fact, there’s only 1 gate at the local airport which serves a couple commuter flights each day.  And yet last week something close to 2,000+ people from 65 different countries descended on this little city, impacting traffic, local businesses, and creating long lines.)  What stands out for me, however, is the nature of those people who came, building genuine friendships with perfect strangers.  Giving to one another, blessing one another–without grumbling or getting irritated despite the long days and even longer lines.  Young and old, men and women, people of all nationalities, races, and socio-economic status… All getting along without reservation… This was the true Bride of Christ in all her glory and she was STUNNING!!

We think we get it right on Sundays, but what about the times you arrive to church late and flustered?  Maybe there’s been a sudden blowup at home… Maybe you find out the Bible study ladies were gossiping about / “praying for” you during the last class…  How many of you get a little sleepy during the sermons, or distracted during the worship?  Really, that song does nothing for me.  We have become complacent consumers.  But we have the capacity to be the true Church our Heavenly Father created us to be.  There is Hope!  The Bride is revealed when everyone (and I mean everyone) is hungry for more Jesus! It’s exactly what I have been learning this year as I’ve been trying to live full out with God, experiencing His presence.  The more we seek God’s heart, the more the walls (& the little stuff) between us disappear, and the more we can see that His Peace and Love, Joy and Strength– everything we need to impact our planet for the good has been with us all along!  We just need to say “no more” to the distractions  and the divisions, “no more” to agreeing with the negative messages that assault us from all sides.

Church, what are you waiting for?  The world NEEDS you to show His Love in a fresh, new, earth-saturating way!!  Now is the time for Jesus!  Now is the time for His Bride to come to the party!  Amen and amen!!



About caratoday

Thank you for joining me at Spark. Twinkle. Shine! I am really excited about learning and growing and sharing the journey here... Hope you come back often! If I can encourage you with one thought today... Your life has a very special, God-given purpose-- Don't be afraid to let YOUR light shine :-)
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